Cheryl Myers Class of 1967

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Cheryl worked for many different Companies in many different fields of manufacturing.

Prior to entering the business world Cheryl served 3 years in Africa as a part of the Peace Corp. Her duties in this portion of her life included teaching. Her excellent communication skills served her and the Corps very well. She was superior in her ability to work with complicated computer programs and systems and still maintained the extraordinary ability to communicate with customers. Cheryl was instrumental in developing computer system to aid manufacturers in meeting needs of clients. Cheryl served as Senior UNITY MANAGEMENT CONSULTANT Responsible for pre-screenimg mainframe clients in defining scope of Work with management to develop time estimates for submit for fixed cost projects. Worked as project leader along with the project manager of many clients •Project Leader position included analysis, and leading development of programs, test plans, system tests, and implementations. From 03/01 till 08/02Cheryl worked with FORD AMC Resource Technologies as a Senior Developer Analyst/ Programmer: Cheryl was the only analyst/programmer for online systems (Global Automated Claim Entry System – GACES) which handles the Ford’s dealer claim entry of vehicle claims, repairs, part and vehicle recalls.

System Design Methodology (SDM), Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) Programming tools: DB2, IMS DL1, DB/DC, MPP/BMP, MFS, COBOLMVS, MFS, TSO/ISPF, UCC7, RACF, VM, JCL/JES, Cataloged Procedures, XPEDITER, ABEND-AID, CHANGEMANIn charge of all the analysis and coding for enhancements to programs•Found and fixed many problems with these complicated older programs•Main contact with customer representative for resolving problems and questions •Fixed major problem with entry of claim description •Analyzed, coded and tested the integration of Land Rover process onto the online portion of the claims entry system•Changed features to the links to retrieve vehicle identification numbers (VINs) •Enhanced the ACES links to other Ford systems such as retrieving the part, and labor costs which are now dependent on dealer country and vehicle make •Redesigned, coded and implemented the processing of Extended Service Plans (ESP) competitive market claims handling in the system.•Designed the screen for a new online claims entry for special battery dealers.

09/00 –12/00 FORD CREDITCiberSenior Developer Analyst /Programmer: Short Term Contract for Ford Car Leasing and Service System Tools -DB2, COBOL, SAS, MVS, JES, JCL, TSO/SPF, XPEDITER, ABENDAID •Modified current system to track new features of lease and car maintenance options learned SAS and used for update reports.•Project installed January 2001.11/94-04/00FORD PARTS & SERVICE AMC Syntel Tools -DB2, IMS DL1, DB/DC, BMP, COBOLMVS, MFS, TSO/ISPF, UCC7, RACF, VM, JCL/JES,EDI, Cataloged Procedures, XPEDITER, ABEND-AID,ABC FLOWCHARTERTask Leader Purchasing Systems•Developed plan for integrating Ford of Mexico•Ford Parts & Service purchasing systems include: design, development, and specifications for online group test plan installation.•Developed plan for integrating Unipart/Jaguar of England. Handled all aspects of project including coding, testing and communication with the England facility, installation and follow-up support. This Task involved much use of EDI from/to England site. •Added an additional index to the DB2 to get the best execution time for their batch jobs, installed that change in over 160 DB2 programs which resulted in 40% savings in CPU time.

Syntel continuedProject Leader -Electronic Part Claims System This system allows the dealers to enter and approve part returns. •Developed and designed DB2 coding and system changes including DB2 table design to provide claim processors to identify suppliers and dealers that were waiting for open liens to be cleared before allowing final approval of their returns.•Designed new feature for Parts Claim system to allow Processors to enter a second shipper number when the claim number was duplicated. •This project also involved DB2 table design and touched every online and batch program in the Parts Claim system.•A total of 25 programs and sub-routines were changed for this new feature including new copy books, linkage and batch jobs.

01/93-11/94 CHRYSLERAdia Senior programmer/analyst Tools -DB2, CICS, IMS DL1, COBOL, TSO/ISPF, UCC7, RACF, VM, JCL/JES, Cataloged Procedures, XPEDITER, ABEND-AID•Completed new Hazardous Material Inventory Tracking System•Worked on untested core programs, redesigned, rewrote, tested and installed these programs.•Designed additional screens for ease of use and other programs to load the data from another system.•Resulted in quick resolution.•Planned and competed two IMS segment expansions for the Inventory Tracking System.•Responsible for creating and sending required information on chemical database updates to government/regulatory agencies for the Toxic Substances Control Acts (TSCA).•Completed the COBOL II conversion (100+) programs. •Discovered and fixed a data problem, which has caused over 10 years of mis-applied activity on the hazardous Materials IMS database.•IMS & DB2 team consultant – Main source for answers to design questions and problem resolution in crossover system design. •Customer liaison, working directly with the customer. Suggested/completed major design changes including new inventory tracking system. •Analyzed, programmed and installed various medium sized mainframe DB2 projects which included the planning, design and development components of SYSTEM LIFE CYCLE documentation.9/91-12/92 FORD CREDIT Computer Task Group Senior programmer/analyst Tools- MVS, IDMS, DB2, TSO/SPF, VSAM, PUPS

FORD CREDIT continued Developed new DB2 Cobol programs to audit rental /lease companies. Project requirements included inter-company and inter-facility communications design. •Analyzed IDMS data base, designed and installed DB2 programs9/90-08/91 KELSEY HAYES M.I.S International Senior programmer/analyst Tools- MVS, DOS, CICS, IMS, COBOL, TSO/SPF, VSAM •Programmed and installed online CASH Application System. Suggested major design changes using VSAM file techniques. •Designed and programmed an online material release tracking/update system from initial request for ten automobile manufacturers. 9/90-08/91 ARBOR DRUGSStrategic Staffing Solutions Senior programmer/analyst Tools- MVS, CICS, DB2, COBOL, TSO/SPF, VSAM, JCL, CLISTS •Analyzed & programmed and installed a fixed price project (5 CICS DB2 and 10 DB2 BATCH programs) which included everything from new programs, rewrites, maintenance, and report programs to writing CLISTS and JCL changes. • Found and corrected several undetected errors in these programs along with completing all necessary documentation and flowcharts.• Suggested additional standard test cases for Arbor’s Quality Assurance Group and assisted junior staff members with their assignments.

02/89-08/90 CITY OF DETROIT Management System Consultants Systems Analyst Tools- BURROUGHS, COBOL 68, 74, CANDE, DARGAL •Analyst for a government project to convert the current Payroll/Personnel system to CYBORG •My cost proposal was accepted by Ernst & Young. DETROIT EDISONAnalyst/programmerTools- MVS/XA, CICS, COBOL, TSO/SPF, VSAM •Programmer Analyst for a CICS Customer Information System purchased from another utility. •Defined additional requirements along with documentation and correcting errors in the subsystem programs. • Wrote a time estimate of the correction of a BLL cell coding method that was in all the other utilities Customer Information System programs. 06/85-11/88 GENERAL MOTORS EDS Analyst/programmerTools- MVS, IMS, DB2, IDMS, COBOL, TSO/SPF •Quality Assurance analyst for an online Common Material specification and releasing system for GM- IMS/DB2 •Project Leader for a team implementing a Project Performance and Reporting system, an online IDMS system to support the GM design and enhancement process. •Installed three months early at management request.

8/84-06/85 CITICORP RETAIL CREDIT SERVICES•Installed Magnum Creditcheck and Credigrant software. 12/79-08/84 AMERICAN NATURAL RESOURCES•Analyzed, enhanced and installed Software International’s Accounts Payable for three Trucking divisions of ANR FREIGHT.•Programmed and installed a CICS VSAM system to track the daily operations and engine maintenance information at compressor stations for ANR division Michigan Wisconsin Pipeline.

12/77-10/79 ROCKWELL INTERNATIONALhired by Rockwell•Responsible for manufacturing CICS Order Entry System. •Installed a re-designed Order Entry System at two plant locations. •Due to conversion responsibilities, became familiar with a wide variety of manufacturing applications.12/76-10/77 ROCKWELL INTERNATIONALCutler Williams•Designed, programmed and installed a CICS IMS/DL1 Axle Forecasting System for Rockwell’s Winchester, Kentucky Plant.11/75-12/76 CENTRAL TRUST COMPANY •Programmed the conversion and enhancement of the Master Charge system and the Demand Deposit Accounting system from DOS to OS/VS. 07/74-11/75 R. L. POLK COMPANY •Hired as a Programmer Trainee and left as Senior Programmer. 06/71-06/74 Science teacher Peace CorpsEDUCATION & RELEVANT TRAINING Morehead State University, 1971B.S. Majors: PHYSICS and MATHEMATICS RECENTLY COMPLETED COURSES HTML, JAVA SCRIPT