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Degrees: Bachelor of Arts in Social Studies Education and History, Northern Kentucky
University, 1984, Cum Laude
State of Florida Teacher Certification, 1984 through 2015 – retired
Experience: Joe E. Newsome High School, School District of Hillsborough County, 8/2003 to present
Position: Social Studies Teacher, AP US History, AP US and Comparative Politics,
Leadership Development and Leadership Techniques
Duties: Formulated guidelines for Advanced Placement Program
Initiated and developed the leadership (Student Government) course program
Faculty Advisor for student government and associated groups
Retired: July, 2014
Culver Academy,
Culver Indiana 2002-2003
Position: History Senior Instructor, AP US History
Leadership Senior Instructor, Senior Service Leadership Program
Duties: Formulated academy guidelines for a new Community Service Leadership
course. Required for all graduating seniors beginning in 2003.
Bloomingdale High School, School District of Hillsborough County, 8/87 – 7/2002
Position: Social Studies Teacher, AP US and Comparative Politics, Honors
America History, Leadership Development and Leadership Techniques
Duties: Formulated guidelines for Advanced Placement Program
Initiated and developed the leadership course program
Scholarship Selection Committee and School Library Academic Committee
Faculty Advisor for student government and associated groups 1987 – 2002
(Responsible for directing/advising students with the development of a variety of student activities along with conducting a leadership
development class where these projects were designed and carried out.
Also directly involved in district, state, regional and national
organizations by attending conferences and directing leadership
Educational Testing Service, Princeton, NJ, 1992 – 2014
Positions: Faculty Reader, Table Leader, and Question Leader
Duties: Read students’ essays and supervised six or seven other readers at the
yearly grading of the AP US and Comparative Politics national exam. Included setting grading standards and monitoring reader and table leader performance.
College Board: Faculty Consultant — I have also conducted weeklong summer institutes
for teachers at several locations such as the Taft Educational Institute, Watertown, Ct., University of Mississippi, Fairfax County, Virginia, Western and Eastern Kentucky University, Woodward Academy and others in AP US Government and AP Comparative Politics. I was also responsible for conducting teacher workshops, usually 1 – 2 days during the year for the same topics. I have also conducted teacher pre-conference workshops for the College Board National Convention for Comparative Politics in Washington, D. C. and Philadelphia.
Published: AP Comparative Syllabus in the 1998 issue of the Teacher’s Handbook
Contributor to AP Comparative Teachers Workbook, 2011
Contributor to AP Comparative Curriculum Module, Democratization
Update, 2011
Co-author of D & S Publishing Multiple-Choice & Free-Response Questions
In Preparation for the AP U.S. Government and Politics Examination, 6th
and 7th Editions
Sole Author of the same book – 8th Edition (This is a book with narrative
and questions to help prepare for the AP US Government exam.)
East Bay High School, School District of Hillsborough County, 8/84 – 6/87
Position: Social Studies teacher
Duties: Taught various social studies courses in grades 9 – 12
Served as both freshman class and sophomore class advisor
Recognition and Achievements:
Conducted workshops and encouraged the teaching of AP US and Comparative Politics as the first to do so consistently in the school district
Served as Faculty Mentor for district teachers in the subjects of AP US Government and AP
Comparative Politics
Conduct teacher-training workshops for District professional in-service workshops
Included in “Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers”, 1992.
Awarded as Teacher of the Year, Bloomingdale High School, 1996
Selected to attend the Florida Humanities Council Institute of Moral Leadership, 1996
Selected to help develop future workshops for the Florida Humanities Council Institute
Served on district curriculum and exam development committee for Honors American History ‘98
Awarded Daughters of the American Revolution “Outstanding American History Teacher” both
local chapter and Florida state chapter, 1999
Awarded Florida Association of Student Council’s Advisor of the Year, 2002
Awarded Drum Major Award, Bloomingdale High School, 2001-02
(Recognized for student development both academically and personally)
Selected as Mentor for the National Association of Secondary School Principals/Nova University
Leadership Program.
Presenter of leadership workshops for the Florida Association of Student Council Advisors, 1998
Selected Teacher of the Year, Newsome High School, 2005
Earned National Board Teacher Certification, 2007